My Cleveland APL
Annual Marketing Campaign

For their 2021 Annual Marketing Campaign, Cleveland APL's leadership and communications team worked closely with the Sweeney team to develop a creative theme that fell within their very specific vision: to be titled "My Cleveland APL" (an homage to a "My Toledo Zoo" campaign admired by the CEO), in order to plant a seed of differentiation among other "APL" organizations in the mind of the brand's audience; and to convey (verbally and visually) their four categories of service: Adoption, Fostering, Humane Investigations, and Veterinary.

Role | Art Direction, Creative Direction & Creative Copywriting
Client | Cleveland APL
Agency | Sweeney
A recurring of purple motif was incorporated into the photo and video shoots to fortify brand recognition, and to act as a metaphor for the various ways the organization is an asset to animals and people alike.

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